Is it free to use for doctors?
SimplyCPD is free to register and use for doctors. Where a course provider charges for a course, you will pay the cost of the course - as set by the organiser – upon booking. SimplyCPD does not charge you a supplemental fee.
Related questions in this category
How do I contact the course provider?
Once you have booked onto a course you can contact the course provider directly from the booking page in the app. You will find your booked courses in the ‘my bookings’ section of the app (se ...
How do I leave feedback?
For courses, you can leave feedback once attended. For feedback or suggestions about SimplyCPD you can contact us via
How do I share the app?
Go to your account – bottom right icon on the menu at the bottom of the app, there is a ‘share’ option on that page.
I have different clinical roles, does it matter?
You can select multiple roles in your settings, bottom right of the app. You should register for all the roles that you do so you will always see relevant courses and maximise any recommended cou ...
I know of a good course provider not listed, who do I tell?
We always like to add more providers so if you know of some good ones out there who are not yet listing courses with us, please tell us via If you know the provider’s ...
What if I need to cancel a course I've booked?
Please use the ‘@message organiser’ option within your booked courses section of the app to send a direct message requesting cancellation (and/or refund if applicable) to the organiser
Why do you need my bank card/Apple Pay details if it's free?
Having payment details linked to your account means when you book a course for which the organiser charges a fee, you can pay directly at the time of booking. You will be unable to book and pay unle ...
Any questions?
Get in touch with the Simply CPD team:
Course providers:
Built by doctors, for doctors
Dr. Amine Boughellam
Dr. Ben Coyle
Simply CPD is a product of Oppia Limited,
13 Goldhill Road
Built with support from: